Massive Head Wound (warning - bloody pictures)

Okay, Doctor Baker says it's a superficial laceration. Still looked horrible, though. Some days, I am forced to curse my dumbosity. Yesterday's injury could have been avoided with a deeper duck. I have a metal shed in my backyard. I'd gone into it to retrieve a shovel and misjudged the distance to duck, though ducking is just a habit with this shed, and I cut my head open. Way open. At first, I had no idea how bad the injury might be, and I had goals. Sure, I'd mowed the front yard, but before the Summer heat kicked in fully, I was going to mow the back, too, and do some planter bed maintenance. I touched the top of my head gently with my glove, and there was a little blood. Darn, but no huge deal. So, I took my hard-won shovel and headed to my green waste bin. We'd had a yard cleanup service out, and they'd stuffed those bins as tightly as possible. Unfortunately, that meant about half the volume didn't come out when the...