
Massive Head Wound (warning - bloody pictures)

Okay, Doctor Baker says it's a superficial laceration.  Still looked horrible, though.  Some days, I am forced to curse my dumbosity.  Yesterday's injury could have been avoided with a deeper duck. I have a metal shed in my backyard.  I'd gone into it to retrieve a shovel and misjudged the distance to duck, though ducking is just a habit with this shed, and I cut my head open.  Way open. At first, I had no idea how bad the injury might be, and I had goals.  Sure, I'd mowed the front yard, but before the Summer heat kicked in fully, I was going to mow the back, too, and do some planter bed maintenance.  I touched the top of my head gently with my glove, and there was a little blood.  Darn, but no huge deal. So, I took my hard-won shovel and headed to my green waste bin.  We'd had a yard cleanup service out, and they'd stuffed those bins as tightly as possible.  Unfortunately, that meant about half the volume didn't come out when the...

Quiet Sunday

We learned something last night.  Don't stay up too late when Ellie is at a dance.  It was her first dance, so there is that, but it sure left us feeling yucky this morning.  We weren't able to go to Church because I hadn't slept enough and Bubbles was having stomach problems. It turned out for the best that we didn't try, as I got a mild vertigo attack just showering.  We're taking all the important precautions to keep it from getting worse.  The bout I had a few years ago took weeks to recover from.  Now we know what to do when there's any hint of it. So, we're taking it easy.  My brother and niece are coming for a visit from the North lands where they live.  Cousin Emi will stay for a week or so.  Mark is going to stay for a couple of days to visit with our dad.  The rest of the day should be nice and quiet.  Lots of relaxing and trying not to become super dizzy.

Star Wars

We saw Star Wars Episode 8 today.  It was fun!  I know a lot of old school fans weren't tremendously happy with the direction taken, but I'm pretty excited.  I think the Star Wars universe is headed in a great direction.  We did have some early excitement at the theater.  We'd gotten tickets for a 9AM showing, and of course we were early, because we are always early (we prefer not to be rushed).  About 8:30, it appeared doors were open, so we headed for them. A worker told us we'd have to wait outside because they were not yet open, then invited in a person who'd been sitting outside the theater. I was curious and asked, "Is she an employee here?" Worker:  "No." Me:  "What is the difference between her and my family?" Worker:  "She's been waiting outside in the cold." Me:  "We are waiting outside in the cold." Bubbles:  "It's 32 degrees out here."  (Note:  It really was 32 degrees.  I'd...

There once was a blog

There once was a family diary blog.  It was great.  Then one day, Google decided my login for the e-mail address and the blog didn't need to work anymore.  This is problematic for several reasons, but for now, we'll focus on the blog.  To see previous entries, please visit: The Disneyland trip entertains Bubbles no end.   Most of it is just blather, but it's our blather.  We haven't written there for two years, though, so there was clearly a need to change something. "Potaytoes!" is a battle cry used by Ellie, who was called Spawn in the last blog, but she's really Ellie.  Or something close to that.  You don't actually need to know.  Unless you do know, in which case, congratulations.  She also likes to say "DOGE!"  I have been known to say "Potaydoge." Now you know why the address for this blog is  I like pie has a different story.  We may tell it....