There once was a blog

There once was a family diary blog.  It was great.  Then one day, Google decided my login for the e-mail address and the blog didn't need to work anymore.  This is problematic for several reasons, but for now, we'll focus on the blog.  To see previous entries, please visit:

The Disneyland trip entertains Bubbles no end.  Most of it is just blather, but it's our blather.  We haven't written there for two years, though, so there was clearly a need to change something.

"Potaytoes!" is a battle cry used by Ellie, who was called Spawn in the last blog, but she's really Ellie.  Or something close to that.  You don't actually need to know.  Unless you do know, in which case, congratulations.  She also likes to say "DOGE!"  I have been known to say "Potaydoge."

Now you know why the address for this blog is  I like pie has a different story.  We may tell it.  Possibly.

To new beginnings!


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